Color Picker Color Picker


Color Picker

CSS Color

About Color Picker

The "Color Picker" tool is an internet-based utility that allows customers discover the RGB, HSL, and HEX values of any color. Customers can either input the color code or use the color picker tool to select the shade they need. As soon as a shade is selected, the tool presentations the corresponding RGB, HSL, and HEX values.

RGB stands for purple, green, and Blue, that are the number one colors that make up all colors on a pc display screen. The RGB cost of a shade is represented through a aggregate of numbers starting from 0 to 255.

HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. Hue represents the real shade, Saturation represents the intensity of the colour, and Lightness represents how light or dark the shade is. The HSL price of a shade is represented by using a mixture of numbers ranging from zero to 360 for Hue and zero% to a hundred% for Saturation and Lightness.

HEX is a hexadecimal fee that represents the RGB price of a colour in a six-digit code. It's far used in the main in net layout and improvement to outline shades for a internet site.

The "Color Picker" tool is useful for internet developers and designers who need to create a color scheme for his or her internet site or design project. Through finding the RGB, HSL, and HEX values of a colour, users can without problems fit shades and create a constant layout throughout their mission.